News / Forex / Global Chipmakers Invest Billions in New Plants, Leveraging U.S. and EU Subsidies to Stay Ahead of China
Global Chipmakers Invest Billions in New Plants, Leveraging U.S. and EU Subsidies to Stay Ahead of China
Published: 17.09.2024
Chipmakers worldwide are investing billions in new semiconductor plants, leveraging substantial subsidies from the U.S. and the EU to maintain Western leadership in cutting-edge technology.
The European Commission plans to invest 15 billion euros in semiconductor projects by 2030, while the U.S. CHIPS Act provides over $52 billion in subsidies for American chipmakers, with restrictions on expanding manufacturing in "countries of concern" like China.
Additionally, India, Taiwan, and South Korea are offering incentives, such as tax breaks, to enhance domestic chip production.
The European Commission plans to invest 15 billion euros in semiconductor projects by 2030, while the U.S. CHIPS Act provides over $52 billion in subsidies for American chipmakers, with restrictions on expanding manufacturing in "countries of concern" like China.
Additionally, India, Taiwan, and South Korea are offering incentives, such as tax breaks, to enhance domestic chip production.
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